
All entries must be the original creation of the submitting author. All rights to the entries must be owned by the author and will remain the property of the author. The author gives permission to the President to publish and display the entry online if the entry is selected as a winner or finalist. Multiple submissions from the same entrant are not acceptable unless former entries are disqualified or taken out of the contest by the writer. Editors are not permitted to assist. Winners will be contacted within fourteen days of the deadline date or at the next meeting. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 

The main judge will be a Leader, but that Leader may choose one or two members to help. Judges will remain unbiased and will base the winning piece on staying true to the prompt/topic, creativity, quality, and everything else that makes it whole. Depending on the number of entries, we may choose an honorary submission as well as an ultimate winner. The winner of the previous contest has the option of judging rather than entering.

Send piece to the main email,

Besides a pat on the back and unlimited bragging rights, you will receive something in exchange for your effort. Prizes may vary depending on who wins. For example, we may know you well enough to get that right away, or we may ask you what you'd like. Prize budget is $10 per winner. Requests for artwork or a piece of writing from a judge or Leader may be made from the winner and runner-ups. If someone wants to volunteer to host a prize, please email the submission email given for the current contest.

Current Contest


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