Dear Martha,
It's been a long time since we last spoke, and I've been very busy.
The invasion force is on the march again My friends and I are moving on to another village; hopefully when there we will be able to
steal more supplies refuel for the march ahead. I found a gift for you in
the rubble of a nearby shop; I can't wait to see your face when I give it to you. You'll love it, I
hope promise.
We shouldn't be gone for much longer. Once the ice in the bay breaks up
and our ships are repaired, we can stop
looting exploring and come home.
Oh, Martha,
you would hate me if you knew the truth I love you so much.
Adam (Swellish)
Dear Adam,
I am
not eagerly awaiting your return. I
have courted your brother in your absence am very lonely without you. The kids are doing
awful well in school and
never ask about you. They seem to be getting
more disobedient larger every day. I am living off
your brother's money my parent's generosity and I believe it will last at least until you are home. I
don't want hope you will be home soon. I
hate love your gift. I
don't love you, too.
Martha (Cam)
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