Write about a rainy day.
As I sat next to the window and looked out at the pouring rain, I thought about how my life has been recently. Honestly, it hasn't been the best. As the water trickles down, some drops slower than others, I am reminded of how I am always left behind. I stood and put on my shoes, taking my time as I went out into the cold, wet outdoors. I need to forget my worries, so instead of staying on my porch in a rocking chair and thinking about my sadness, I step out into the rain and look up at the sky. The freezing water blurred my vision as I closed my eyes, allowing droplets of melting clouds to run down my face and soak my hair. This is a good day to forget for a little while.-Chani
I also love to forget and enjoy the feeling of rain. (When I'm not trying to rush to classes.) Anyway, it's a simple little drabble that is rather sweet and sad.
"I stood and put on my shoes, taking my time as I went out into the cold, wet outdoors." I suggest you cut out the last few words and end it with "...went outside." We know it's wet- it's raining. As for the cold, you could add a short sentence about her/him shivering, or you could say "...step out into the chilly rain..." or mention something about the window being cold (because of the rain) in the first sentence. My point is, SHOW US, don't tell us. That's the key to a good story.
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